Mainland Engineering Ltd

Milk / Engineering

Registered Milking Machine Testers

Chaz Murdoch (ISO)Licensed Till: 8 Jan 26

Daan Louw (ISO)Licensed Till: 14 May 26

Ulrich Fourie (ISO)Licensed Till: 15 Apr 26


Qualified Tradespeople

Cleaning Evaluation & Milk Delivery

Chaz Murdoch  

Introduction to Milking Machines (Online Course)

Joshua Collins  

Tom Bickner  

Zackery Connolly  

ISO Milking Machine Tester Retraining

Chaz Murdoch (ISO)Licensed Till: 8 Jan 26

ISO Milking Machine Testing

Daan Louw (ISO)Licensed Till: 14 May 26

Ulrich Fourie (ISO)Licensed Till: 15 Apr 26

Liner Selection

Daniel Gorton  

Liner Selection (Online Course)

Chaz Murdoch  


Chaz Murdoch  

Mastitis & Liner Selection Including Troubleshooting

Daniel Gorton  

Mastitis / Milking Management / Milking Time Testing

Daniel Gorton  

Milk Quality

Daniel Gorton  

Milk Quality & Grade Troubleshooting

Chaz Murdoch  

New Zealand Milking Machine Tester

Chaz Murdoch Licensed Till: 28 Feb 22

Daniel Gorton Licensed Till: 22 Jun 18

NZMPTA Advanced Certificate In Milking Machine Testing

Chaz Murdoch  

NZMPTA Certificate In Mastitis & Milk Quality Advisor

Chaz Murdoch  

NZMPTA Dairy Diagnostics Specialist

Chaz Murdoch  

Selecting The Right Pump

Daniel Gorton  

Glenn Able  

Stray Voltage Testing (Online Course)

Chaz Murdoch  

Vacuum Pumps

Daniel Gorton